Cleaning Wrought Iron and Wicker Furniture

Cleaning wrought iron or wicker furniture can be tricky. Wrought iron will rust if water or cleaners are continuously used. Wicker furniture must be damp cleaned to keep the wicker from drying.

Wicker: Use a 100% Lambswool Duster to remove dust and cobwebs on wicker furniture or the soft bristle brushes of a vacuum cleaner.

Wicker furniture must be cleaned regularly with a very damp cloth to prevent it from drying and cracking. Doing so four times a year keeps it in top condition.

Wrought Iron: Use our CleanEz diluted 1 part CleanEz to 50 parts water. Use as little water as possible and dry immediately with our heavy duty Terry Towel or place the furniture in the direct sunlight as you clean for even faster drying.