
Green Cleaning

Fall Green Cleaning

This morning I spoke on Martha Steward living radio program about greening your fall cleaning. Since I'm way behind...

Green Up the Laundry

Here are three easy ways to green up laundry days. 1) Run only full loads with the shortest wash...

Mold and Mildew Smells

A month has slipped past and I'm quite late posting about smells. Between trade shows, four articles and three...

My Sample Blog Post

Here is the teaser text for this blog post

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Online Radio Interview

Want to learn more about Mary's book The Complete Idiot's Guide to Green Cleaning? Listen to her radio broadcast...

Spring Cleaning Basics

This is the time of year for spring cleaning articles. I have contributed to a good number of them yet who has time to set aside a couple of weekends to spring clean? Let’s take a look at a basic cleaning kit and starting point.

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Spring Cleaning: Where do I Start?

My last newsletter encouraged you to pull the plug on clutter and gave short easy ways to get rid...

    About Mary

    Mary Findley is a veteran cleaning expert and Founder of Mary Moppins. Mary built the company on the idea that she could create a way to make green cleaning easier, which inspired her to co-author "The Complete Idiots Guide to Green Cleaning" available on Amazon. The Mary Moppins line of specially designed cleaning tools are eco-friendly, yet industrial strength to give you the cleaning power you need to clean quickly and thoroughly.